Sunday, December 9, 2012

oDesk CSS Test Answers

01. Question: Which of the following is true for a class selector?
Answer:  d. It applies the style to all the elements defined with that style

02. Question: Which of the following does not apply to external styles?
Answer: c. Highest priority

03. Question: Read the following Code:
Background: white url(“bar.gif”);
Background-repeat: repeat-y;
Background-position: center;
What will be the output of this code?
Answer: a. Image bar.gif will be tiled vertically in the background in the center of the page.

04. Question: Which of the following is not a valid text-decoration option?
Answer: Text-decoration :in-line

05. Question: You defined some links as follows:
What will be the color, when the mouse goes over a link?
Answer: b. Blue

06. Question: The following is a style definition:
How will you refer to this style in your web page?
Answer: b. by using the id Attribute in a td cell

07. Question: Which of the following is not a valid property of an aural style sheet?
Answer: c. Load

08. Question: Your website displays some articles on java programming. The articles contain blocks of java code as well. If you want to leave ‘1 cm’ space above and below the code blocks, you would use:
Answer: b. Code{margin-top:1cm; margin-bottom:1cm}

09. Question: You are fetching customer names from a database. The names in the database are mostly in lowercase. What is the name of the text property which will facilitate capitalization of these names?
Answer: b. Text-transform

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